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mesolithische literatur



Fredrik Hallgren

Identity in Practice
Local, regional and pan-regional aspects of the Northern Funnel Beaker Culture

In my dissertation (Hallgren 2008) I discuss the introduction of cultural practices such as cultivation, cattle herding, pottery craft and specific lithic traditions in the region around the Baltic Sea during the Stone Age. The main focus is on the Early Neolithic (4000-3300 cal. BC according to the Scandinavian Chronology) Funnel Beaker Culture of the Mälardalen and Bergslagen region in eastern Central Sweden. Archaeological material from neighbouring parts of Scandinavia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kaliningrad, northern Poland and northern Germany are also included in the discussion. The thesis does not attempt to explain why practices like agriculture and ceramic production were introduced, rather it discusses when and how this took place.

To get a perspective on the introduction of pottery technology in Mälardalen and Bergslagen around 4000 cal. BC., the thesis starts with an overview of the first appearance of ceramics around the Baltic Sea. It is shown that pottery was introduced along the eastern shores of the Baltic more than 1000 years before people began to practice the craft of pottery in Central Sweden. The larger part of the thesis is devoted to the Early Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture (abbreviated TRB) of Mälardalen and Bergslagen. The archaeological material from the region is discussed as remains of activities like living, crafting, cultivating, herding – cultural practices that were created through performance and participation. It is argued that participation in these activities shaped aspects of the participants' identity. The last part of the thesis discusses the northern border of the Funnel Beaker Culture. The northern limits of the distribution of TRB materials have often been explained with reference to ecological conditions, whereas here it is argued that the northern border of the Funnel Beaker Culture was determined by the extent of late Mesolithic social networks.


Hallgren, F. 2008. Identitet i praktik. Lokala, regionala och överregionala sociala sammanhang inom nordlig trattbägarkultur. Coast to Coast-books 17. Doktorsavhandling i arkeologi, Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala.

Hallgren, F. in press. Early pottery among hunter-horticulturalists and hunter-gatherers in central Fenno-Scandinavia. I: Gheorghiu, D. (red.). Clay cultures, Wood cultures and Ceramic traditions: Early Neolithic and Late Mesolithic Pottery in Europe. Cambridge Scholars Press Ltd, Cambridge.

Hallgren, F. in press. The early TRB of Mälardalen, eastern Central Sweden. I: Terberger, T. (red.). Early Pottery in the Baltic. Berichte der Römisch-Germanische Kommission. Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein.

Hallgren, F. in press. Foreign in origin and local in pattern - Mesolithic pottery around the Baltic Sea. I: Meso 2005, Oxbow books, Oxford.

Hallgren, F. in press. 'Tiny islands in a far sea'. I: Jordan, P. & Zvelebil, M. (red.). Origins of Ceramics and Hunter Gatherers of Northern Eurasia. UCL Press, London.

Hallgren, F. & Sundström, L. 2008. Tidigneolitisk trattbägarkultur i Uppland. I: Hjärtner-Holdar, E., Ranheden, H. & Seiler, A. (red.). Land och samhälle i förändring. Uppländska bygder i ett långtidsperspektiv. Volym 4, Arkeologi i Uppland, studier. Riksantikvarieämbetet, Uppsala.

Hallgren, F. 2005. Kommentar till Marianne Skandfer: ”Fra eldre til yngre steinalder?…” Primitive tider 8, Oslo.

Hallgren, F. 2004. The introduction of ceramic technology around the Baltic Sea in the 6th millennium. I: Knutsson, H. (red.). Coast to coast - landing. Uppsala. References (both open in new windows)

Hallgren, F. 2003. My place or yours?. I: Larsson, L., Kindgren, H., Knutsson, K., Loeffler, D. & Åkerlund, A (red.). Mesolithic on the move. Oxbow books, Oxford.

Hallgren, F. 2000. Lineage identity and pottery design. I: Olausson, D. & Vandkilde, H. (red). Form, function, context. Lund.

Hallgren, F. 2000. Lämningar från stridsyxekulturen på Fågelbacken, Hubbo sn, Västmanland. Tor 30.

Knutsson, K., Lindgren, C., Hallgren, F. & Björk, N. 1999. The mesolithic in Eastern Central Sweden. I: Boaz, J. (red). The Mesolithic of Central Scandinavia. (Universitetets Oldsaksamlings Skrifter, Ny rekke, Nr. 22). Oslo.

Hallgren, F. 1998. Etnicitet under stenåldern i Mellansverige och södra Norrland. I: Johnsen, B. & Welinder, S. (red). Etnicitet eller kultur. Östersund.

Hallgren, F., Djerw, U., af Geijerstam, M., & Steineke, M. 1997. Skogsmossen, an Early Neolithic settlement site, and sacrificial fen, in the northern borderland of the Funnel-beaker Culture. Tor 29.

Hallgren, F. & Possnert, G. 1997. Pottery design and time. The pottery from TRB site Skogsmossen, in view of AMS-datings of organic remains on potsherds. Tor 29.

Hallgren, F. 1997. The battle-axe culture of Northern Middle Sweden. I: Siemens, P (red). Early Corded Ware Culture. The A-horizon - Fact or Fiction. (Arkaeologiske Rapporter nr 2, 1997 fra Esbjergs Museum). Esbjerg.

Hallgren, F. 1996. Sociala territorier och exogamirelationer i senmesolitisk tid: En diskussion utifrån boplatsen Pärlängsberget, Södermanland. Tor 28.

Hallgren, F. 1996. Etnisk dualism under mellanneolitikum. I: Bratt, P. (red). 1996. Stenålder i Stockholms län. Stockholms läns museum.

Hallgren, F. 1996. En mellanneolitisk skalle från Hälsingland. Fjölnir, årgång 15, häfte 1.

Hallgren, F. 1995. Fågelbackens sociala och ekonomiska kontext under tidigneolitikum. I:
Apel, J. E., Bäckström, Y., Hallgren, F., Knutsson, K., Lekberg, P., Olsson, E., Steineke, M. & Sundström, L. 1995. Fågelbacken och trattbägarsamhället. Samhällsorganisation och rituella samlingsplatser vid övergången till en bofast tillvaro i Östra Mellansverige. Tor 27.Mit Marcus Beck, Stefanie Beckert, Sven Feldmann und Brigitte Kaulich (†), Das Spätpaläolithikum und Mesolithikum in Franken und der Oberpfalz. Berichte der bayerischen Bodendenkmalpflege 50, 2009, 269-291.

Lithics as part of human subsistance and mobility - An example from the Mesolithic of Southern Germany. In: C.-J. Kind (Ed.), After the Ice-Age - Settlement, subsistence and social development in the Mesolithic of Central Europe. Materialhefte zur Archäologie in Baden-Württemberg 78 (Stuttgart 2006) 189-200.

Rezension in European Journal of Archaeology 9, 2006, 143-146: Bärbel Auffermann/Jörg Orschiedt: Die Neandertaler - Auf dem Weg zum modernen Menschen (2006) 160 S.; Erella Hovers/Steven L. Kuhn (Eds.): Transitions before the transition - Evolution and stability in the Middle Palaeolithic and Middle Stone Age (2006) 332p.

Kapitel über: Alt- und Mittelsteinzeit - Ensdorf: Mesolithische Station "Steinbergwand". In: S. Codreanu-Windauer/ U. Kirpal/ G. Raßhofer (Hrsg.), Amberg und das Land an Naab und Vils. Führer zu archäologischen Denkmälern in Deutschland 43 (Stuttgart 2004) 31-36, 117-119.

mit Günter Bartholomé/ Carmen Liebermann/ Simon Schölch/ Brigitta Türk, Das Mesolithikum von Kleinlieskow in der Niederlausitz - Anmerkungen zur Entstehung steinzeitlicher Fundstellen in Flugsanddecken. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 32, 2002, 327-344.

Archäologie einer Düne im Baruther Urstromtal bei Groß Lieskow, Stadt Cottbus. Veröffentlichungen des Brandenburgischen Landesmuseums für Ur- und Frühgeschichte 33, 1999 (2002) 7-49.

mit Martin Street/ Michael Baales/ Erwin Cziesla/ Sönke Hartz/ Martin Heinen/ Olaf Jöris/ Ingrid Koch/ Thomas Terberger/ Jürgen Vollbrecht, Final Paleolithic and Mesolithic research in reunified Germany. Journal of World Prehistory 15, 2001, 365-453.http://www.springerlink.com/content/7uwn7e8h7u3g8khh/fulltext.pdf

mit Frank Baum: Ein Steinartefakt vom Belchen - Neues zum Mesolithikum im Hochschwarzwald. Archäologische Nachrichten aus Baden 64, 2001, 3-8.

Rezension zu: Michael Jochim, A hunter-gatherer landscape - South-West Germany in the Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic (1998). European Journal of Archaeology 4, 2001, 144-145.

mit Christof Krauskopf, Aufwehung, Umbildung, Zerstörung - Zur Entwicklung der Dünen im Baruther Urstromtal zwischen Cottbus und Forst. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 29, 1999, 289-298.

Silexverarbeitung am Rohmaterialvorkommen im Mittelpleistozän - Ergebnisse einer Rettungsgrabung in Zwochau (Lkr. Delitzsch). Arbeits- und Forschungsberichte zur sächsischen Bodendenkmalpflege 38, 1996, 13-55.

Rohknolle, Vollkern oder Abschlag? Strategien der Rohmaterialnutzung im Mittelpaläolithikum von Zwochau (Leipziger Tieflandsbucht). Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 26, 1996, 1-12.

Altensteig und Ettlingen: Mesolithische Fundplätze am Rand des Nordschwarzwalds. Fundberichte aus Baden-Württemberg 19/1, 1994, 99-174.




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