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This is rather lame...

Put your iTunes on shuffle, but instead of just putting the name of the song, write the first sentance of the song as a response to the questions.

(I don't use iTunes, sucker. Therefore, Windows Media Player it is.)

These were my first words:
"Let me wrap myself around you
Let you show me how I see
And when you come back in from nowhere
Do you ever think of me"
My List
(I was a pretty intelligent baby.)

This is what my mom said when she gave birth to me:
"Psychic spies from China
Try to steal your mind's elation
Little girls from Sweden
Dream of silver screen quotations
And if you want these kind of dreams
It's Californication"
(My mom's crazy.)

This is what I say every morning when I wake up:
"He knows all about the movements of the planets
But he don't know how to move me"

This is what my friends think of me:
"I'm steppin' out into the walk of life
Hold tight the vibe is right
Feel the heat that's in the air
People watchin' everywhere"
Walk Of Life
(That makes sense…not…)

These are the first words I spoke to my true love:
"Trying hard to speak and
Fighting with my weak hand
Driven to distraction
So part of the plan"
X & Y

If someone says this, it makes me mad:
"I know I won't be leaving here
With you"
Take Me Out
(Now that would make me mad.)

This is my battle cry:
Your Ex-Lover Is Dead

This is my outlook on life:
"I can just imagine you and me
Running out of steam
Going through the motions
And I have no idea how you know
When I dipped my toes
In other people's oceans"
Heat Dies Down
(I love that song. What a double entendre.)

This is my message to the world:
"My windows look into your living room
where I spend the afternoon on top of you"
Living Room

This always cheers me up:
"Lately I’m alright
And lately I’m not scared
I figured out, that what you do to me
Feels like, I’m floating on air"
(Well, this song tends to cheer me up.)

This is what my last boyfriend/girlfriend said to break up with me:
"You and me, forever
We belong together
And we'll always & ever
Throughout any type of weather"
(Now that doesn't make any sense whatsoever.)

People think I'm crazy if I say this:
"We took fifteen steps
But fifteen wrong
Through packs of wolves
And wild dogs
Wait, we've been told to"
The Mountain
(I guess that sounds a little crazy.)

I said this when I lost my virginity:
"I hope all my days will be lit by your face
I hope all the years will hold tight our promises
I don't want to be old and sleep alone
An empty house is not a home
I don't want to be old and feel afraid"
(…Hmm. I sound a little bit clingy.)

I'd say this to break up with someone:
"You see her, you can't touch her
You hear her, you can't hold her
You want her, you can't have her
You want to, but she won't let you"
Auf Asche
(That's a little creepy.)

I said this when I found out I was pregnant/got someone pregnant:
"I got no secrets
I got no secrets
I got no secrets
I got no secrets"
Got No Secrets
(Not anymore.)

I said this in my wedding vows:
"Lundy, Fastnet, Irish Sea
I got a message I can't read
Another message I can't read"
In Limbo
(If I were marrying a rabid Radiohead fan, why not.)

People said this when I got married:
"Oh, no one ever left alive in 1985 will ever do
She may be right, she may be fine
She may get love, but she won't get mine cause I got you"
Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five
(Hopefully it was my husband…)

This is what I said when I proposed, was proposed too:
"I feel so unsure
As I take your hand
And lead you to the dance floor
As the music dies
Something in your eyes
Calls to mind a silver screen
And all it's sad good-byes"
Careless Whisper
(I hope not…)

I said this when I was fired from/quit my job:
"Another day breaks and the last one's gone
You dig deep just to carry on
Your debt's paid off but it don't feel gone
So you slip out the back and you're moving on"
Bridge To Nowhere
(Surprisingly makes sense…)

My last words:
"Don't get mad if I'm laughing
Blame the caffeine for all the 5 am phone calls
I haven't slept a single night in over a month
And not even once did you start to make sense to me"
Middle Of Nowhere
(This works too.)

What people say at my funeral:
"Old world underground
Where are you now?
Subtract my age from the milage
On my speeding heart
Credit cards"
(It would work if they shouted it in vengeance.)

Well, that was fun.


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