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Random Music Survery

Name your top ten artists on Last.fm:
01. Leatherface
02. Warren Zevon
03. the Lawrence Arms
04. Hot Water Music
05. Fifteen
06. Off With Their Heads
07. The Magnetic Fields
08. J Church
09. Discount
10. Dillinger Four

How many times have you listened to number one?

Is this your favorite band?
Pretty much, though I don't have a definite number one, but they are one of favorites.

What got you into number one?
I was going through a period of not liking the music I had been listening too so I decided to try just new stuff. They were recommended by a website as being great. That website didn't lie.

Why the hell have you listened to that so much?
Umm I think cause when I signed up to last fm I was obsessed with them, and in the habit of listening to their stuff with my headphones on while I was on the computer.

Favorite songs of number one:
Little White God, Not Superstitious, Andy, Do The Right Thing and Hoodlum

Something you think you’d thoroughly enjoy doing with the band?
Just getting to hear them play live really. I mean I'd like to the meet them and share some beers or something sort of, but it'd probably be awkward, I'm not good with strangers.

Favorite memory of the artist?
Hearing them for the first time and thinking, well fuck me I didn't think music like this even existed.

How many times listened to number two?

What got you into them?
An AV Club list of songs but I can't remember the theme. Anyway I followed the link for the song which was Life'll Kill Ya out of boredom and really loved it

What makes you like them so much?
Basically that he wrote songs that I find really catchy and also interesting lyrics, actually its his whole attitude, very unusual especially for someone with so much success in the charts and stuff.

Favorite songs:
Life'll Kill Ya , Roland The Headless Thompson Gunner , Frank and Jesse James , Splendid Isolation and many more.

Favorite memory of artist?
Being stoned and just listening to him on over and over.

How many times have you listened to number three?

Would you pay thirty dollars to see them in concert?
Yeah thats not band at all for a ticket round here.

Who's your favourite member?
Chris, I prefer his vocals.

Any fave songs/memories?
Buying Apathy and Exhaustion ,it just hit the spot for that day. I was depressed it was pouring down, the music just clicked.

How many times have you listened to four?

Would you go fishing with him?
Which one? All of them? I dunno. Anyway I don't fish, I'm a vegetarian, so no.

Any particular emotions run through you when you listen?
Nope, unless head nodding is an emotion? It's not is it.

What songs you like best?
Hard to say, they've always been an albums band for me. I prefer just to sit and listen to one whole album at a time.

How many times have you listened to five?

What’s so intriguing about them?
Nothing intriguing. I like the lyrics, not subtle but I agree with the politics and its my kind of music too.

Could you imagine them in a circus?
Only if it was one that was free of animal cruelty and raising money for a Food Not Bombs! or some charity or cause like that. But then why bother with the circus, they could just play a show. Plus I figure they'd be scared of clowns like me.

How many times for six?

How many 3’s in a <3333333 would you give them and why?
Loads, I do love those fellas, they sent my free cds and stuff once.

How many times for 7?

I hear 7 is a magical number, is this band magical?
Yes. Stephin Merritt is probably a wizard or something like that. Maybe he's Dumbledore, they are both gay.

What are some of your favorite songs and what memories are attached to them?
Papa Was A Rodeo and it might have been the last time I heard a good song of the radio when I heard that. And then getting the albums and it being summer, and me being stoned, everything was perfect at the time, well until I listend to i.

How many times for eight?

How long have you liked this artist?
Uh, a year or so. I just got into them a while before Lance died, so it was poor timing.

What are some songs you like/why?
The World's Tiniest Violin: The lyrics are very true to life for me, and its all very tongue in cheek. Great riff too.

Cigarettes Kill: Just a perfect song really, catchy, fun, its all good.

Undisputed King of Nothing : All of the above, and sealed by the line "why are you being such an asshole, you aren't making anything better."

Which member would you most enjoy a good square dance with?
None, we could all pogo though.

Random fact you know about the band?
Umm, They've never been to Australia. I think.

Poor nine and ten, how many times you listened to them?
341 and 338.

Why have them as number nine and ten, where is the loveeee?
Well they're only a few songs behind number 8. There is plenty of love for them. But Discount can get kind of annoying if you listen to them too much. And Dillinger Four, well they haven't released anything in ages.

How long have you liked them?
A few years each.

What are the poor artists from 11-20?
11. Jawbreaker
12. Johnny Cash
13. Afghan Whigs
14. Woven Hand
15. Radon
16. Lifetime
17. The New Christs
18. Sticks & Stones
19. Ass Ponys
20. Crimpshrine


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