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50 questions from 50 favorite bands ♥

1.How did you get into no.29? (下村陽子)
I love Parasite Eve soundtrack <3

2. What's the first song you ever heard by no.22? (田中伸一)
Curtain Call - from the soundtrack of the very very cute (and almost unknown) Armored Dragon Legend Villgust ~ Missing Girl <3 I need to re-play it >_<

3. Whats your favorite lyric by no.33? (篠原敬介)

4. How did you get into no.49? (UVERworld)
I loved クオリア since i watched for the first time Gundam 00 trailer. Tieria-chaaaan ヾ(≧∇≦*)ゝ

5. How many albums by no.13 do you own? (菅野よう子)
Yoko-chan ;__; I want some album ;__;

6. What is your favorite song by no.50? (Sonar Pocket)
The op Never Give Up! from Digimon XROS Wars o(^▽^)o ~ Shoutmon! Ballistamon! Dorurumon! Digicross! *fan of Dorurumon and his voice actor Sakurai Takahiro*

7. Is there a song by no.39 that makes you sad? (Kenn)
What? From Kenn? Impossible.

8. What is your favorite song by no.15? (カノン)
Where'er you go ~ Cavalleria Rusticana, Saga ~ This is my road (English Version), The Power

9. What is your favorite song by no.5? (石元丈晴)
The Price of Freedom

10. Is there a song by no.6 that makes you happy? (宮野真守)
MAMO-CHAAAAAAN!!! HE make me happy o(^▽^)o ♥__♥

11. What is the worst song by no.40? (王菲)
Dunno, I just listen Eyes on Me

12. What is your favorite song by no.10? (CHAGE & ASKA)
On Your Mark and SAY YES

13. What is a good memory you have involving no.30? (淡海悟郎)
Nothing interesting. I just love to listen to Ginga Nagareboshi Gin soundtrack sometime.

14. What is your favorite song by no.38? (山根麻以)
FREEEEEEEEE! I wanna be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, gotta be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEE. I love Blue

15. Is there a song by no.19 that makes you happy? (Kyo)
Maybe Je Cours

16. Is there a song by no.25 that makes you sad? (保志総一朗)
Well… nope.

17. What is the first song you ever heard by 23? (坂本真綾)
First… first… ! Gravity!
are the memories I hold still valid? or have the tears deluded them?
maybe this time tomorrow the rain will cease to follow
and the mist will fade into one more today

18. What's your favorite lyric by no.11? (横山菁児)
Ly-ly-lyric? Why this question again? ;__;

19. Who is a favorite member of no.1? (植松伸夫)
Nobuo Uematso is God.

20. Is there a song by no.14 that makes you happy? (吉川晃司)
I just listen to ONE WORLD and Nobody's Perfect

21. What is a good memory involving no.27? (久石譲)
Joe Hisaishi = Studio Ghibli = Totoro o(^-^)o

22. What is your favorite song by no.16? (奥慶一)
バーストモード from Digimon Saver <3

23. What is the first song you ever heard by no.47? (BUCK-TICK)
Dress ~ boku wa naze kaze no you ni kumo no you ni ano sora e to ukabu hane ga nai naze

24. What is your favorite album by no.18? (子安武人)
Koyasuuu <3 His voice is my favorite album \(^∇^)/ ~ errr… White Kiss

25. What is your favorite song by no.21? (宇多田ヒカル)
誰かの願いが叶うころ, First Love

26. What is the first song you ever heard by no.26? (Paul Romero, Rob King & Steve Baca)
Probably the Main Theme of Heroes of Might and Magic II <3

27. What is your favorite album by no.3? (光田康典)
Chrono Cross soundtrack, kiRite and Colours of Light -Yasunori Mitsuda Vocal Collection-

28. What is you favorite song by no.2? (Exile)
ただ…逢いたくて, 愛すべき未来へ, Ti Amo

29. What was the first song you ever heard by no.32? (Chemistry)
Wings of Words from Gundam SEED Destiny

30. What is you favorite song by no.8? (神谷浩史 )
My Diary, for myself,

31. How many times have you seen no.17 live? (七瀬光)
Zero times.

32. Is there a song by no.44 that makes you happy? (桜井侑斗 (中村優一) & デネブ (大塚芳忠))
Action-ZERO is an happy song <3 ~ DENEB!!

33. How did you get into no.12? (速水奨)
I falled in love with his voice since I watched Zetsuai <3

34. What is the worst song by no.45? (岩崎文紀)

35. What was the first song you ever heard by no.34? (Mao)
君ノ記憶 the ending theme of first season of Hakuouki.

36. What was the first song you ever heard by no.48? (TEEN-AGE WOLVES)
Well… 扉 DOOR from Digimon of course ┐(´ー`)┌

37. How many times have you seen no.42 live? (鷺巣詩郎)

38. What is you favorite song by no.36? (古谷徹)
抱きしめていたい his voice is SEXY.

39. What was the first song you ever heard by no.28? (MONORAL)
The first (and the unique) song I listen from them is kiri.

40. What is you favorite album by no.7? (GACKT)
Love Letter *___*

41. Is there a song by no.31 that makes you happy? (Moka☆)
純情ロマンチカ strings ver.. This song remind me Usami-san from Junjou Romantica.

42. What is your favorite album by no.41? (Gabriela Robin)
Cowboy bebop OST 2 <3

43. What is your favorite song by no.24? (松下優也)
I love Bird ;_;

44. What is a good memory you have involving no.46? (フェロ☆メン)
Good memories…. good mem… no one! Their voices only say one thing: "rape me!" (≧▽≦) *perv mode on*

45. What is your favorite song by no.35? (HYDE)
Oh, Hyde-san. EVERGREEN

46. Is there a song by no.9 that makes you happy? (Steve Conte)
Could it be that I got bored and lonely?
Could it be that I'm just dumb and horney?
Could it be that lady luck has smiled herself on me?

47. What is your favorite album by no.4? (Weiß Kreuz)

48. Who is your favorite member of no.37? (和田光司)
He's a soloist <3

49. What is the first song you ever heard by no.43? (MISIA)

50. What is your favorite song by no.20? (Rayflower)

I know I know, my english really suck. (-.-;)


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