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My One Year lastFM Anniversary!

That's right folks. I've been here tracking my musical plays for exactly one year.

Total tracks submitted in one years time: 13,236

Last song played of year #1: Jesus Freak

Fitting eh?

So, in honor of the past year's tagging… I present… the great Top Ten Quiz!


Name your top ten artists:

01. tobyMac
02. Thousand Foot Krutch
03. Rascal Flatts
04. Mars ILL
05. Fort Minor
06. KJ-52
07. Linkin Park
08. Kutless
09. Nickelback
10. Theory Of A Deadman


How many times have you listened to number one?


Is this your favorite band?

No, dc Talk remains my favorite, but Toby is my favorite member IN the group, so yeah…

What got you into number one?

Pretty much his work in dc Talk. I have always been a fan of dcT, and naturally, I would enjoy the solo efforts of my favorite member of my favorite group.

Why have you listened to them so much?

The man makes awesome music. Duh. He has yet to make a song I don't like.

Favorite songs of number one:

Tough, tough, tough…
Burn For You
New World
The Slam

Something you think you’d thoroughly enjoy doing with the band?

He should have me do a guest part on some song.

Favorite memory of the artist?

I don't know… just blasting Yours or The Slam I guess. Those songs rock. And do it hard.

How many times listened to number two?


What got you into them?

Actually back in the days of mp3.com (when it was good and useable), TFK was a featured band which I had heard a little bit about, but hadn't heard any of their music. Anyway, at that time they were promoting their release of Phenomenon, and they had their title track for free download. So I grabbed it (using my new DSL which we had got a week or two before). I really liked it, but didn't get the CD until quite awhile after actually (at Christian Supply after paragraph class actually for 7.99!). In the meantime Josh played it for me on 3* once or twice I remember, but I don't think I payed much attention then. Now, I'm throughly hooked though. And have their three major CDs. Yep.

What makes you like them so much?

They have some exceptional lyrics, and have that rap/rock slant that I love. Great guitar riffs help too!

Favorite songs:

This Is A Call
Breathe You In

Favorite memory of artist?

I remember getting Kelsey into them with Rawkfist a couple years ago. That was fun. I also remember listening to This Is A Call and realizing how true that song is for so many people. Myself included to an extent.

How many times have you listened to number three?


Would you pay thirty dollars to see them in concert?

Hmm. Is that for one ticket or two? I'ld never go alone to see them… ;)

Whose your favorite member?

Joe Don Rooney. He is one good guitar player.

Any fave songs/memories?

What Hurts The Most
He Ain't The Leavin' Kind
Cool Thing

As for memories… there are plenty associated with these boys. Yeah.

How many time listened to four?


Would you go fishing with them?

Haha! That would be pretty crazy. I can totally invision Dust being a fisherman though. Yeah, I'ld definetly go with them.

Any particular emotions run through ya when ya listen?

They remind me of Mars Hill and our Greece trip.

What songs you like best?

Breathe Slow
When Heaven Scrapes The Pavement

How many times have you listened to five?


What’s so intriguing about them?

They are actually interesting. In the world of rap, it can get way too boring. These guys keep it fresh. And they don't talk about drugs, women, and guns all the time. A rarity in secular hip hop. Plus, Mike Shindoa is amazingly talented.

Could you imagine them in a circus?

Haha! Can't you? No, not really actually.

How many times for six?


How many 3’s in a <3333333 would you give them and why?

Uh. It's SO 16, man. (say whaaa?)

How many times for 7?


I hear 7 is a magical number, is this band magical?

Somebody thinks so. LP has sold some 10 MILLION records. I will say they have some of the best rap/rock fusion music out there though. Hence why they reside on my chart.

What are some of your favorite songs and what memories are attached to them?

Somewhere I Belong
In The End
Breaking The Habit

Memories… hmm… someday I wanna perform Somewhere I Belong with a band. If Linkup hadn't closed, I would have pushed to do that song at the end of the year concert. That would have been amazing. I remember singing part of Crawling as we crossed the Tiber in Rome. If you need a suicide song… there you go.


How many times for eight?


How long have you liked this artist?

Oh, probably 2002/3 or so. I really don't remember when I first heard a song by them.

What are some songs you like/why?

Your Touch
Take Me In
Strong Tower

Good lyrics, good music. How's that?

Which member would you most enjoy a good square dance with?

Um. I think I'll pass. If I did it with Jon Micah I'ld step on him and he'ld be squashed. The dude's so short!!

Random fact you know about the band?

They're from my city! Portland, Oregon. And I know people that go to their church. Crazy huh? Oregonians rock and don't get enough love from our great nation. :P

How many times for nine?


How long have you liked them?

Just 4 months or so actually.

Favorite songs?

Savin' Me
If Everyone Cared
Far Away

Poor ten, how many times you listened to them?


Why have this as number ten, where is the loveeee?

Eh. They just ain't as good as the others!

How long have you liked them?

Oh, 6 months? 7 maybe?

Likes/Dislikes of band?

Likes: Good guitars, catchy composition, musically all around solid
Dislikes: Lyrics (all breakup songs… with some anger thrown in)

What are the poor artists from 11-20?

11. T-Bone
12. dc Talk
13. Seventh Day Slumber
14. Ryan Shupe & The Rubberband
15. DJ Maj
16. 4th Avenue Jones
17. Metallica
18. Family Force 5
19. Superchic
20. Relient K

Thanks for reading folks. Now let's see how it changes this year…


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